I've been scanning a lot of stocks late here tonight. Looking for the first type of stocks they run at the beginning of every new leg up in the market and which are the ones with deep monthly bar or weekly bars charts OBV divergences. I found five that qualified:
........Thursday's close........Limit Buy order placed at
By doing this if on Friday the stock trades just a little above Thursday's close, the buy order will be executed automatically and I will be in the stock.
Stock Market Analysis - Large Cap Swing Trades - Momentum Stocks - Low Cost Option Plays Position Trades for Self-Directed IRAs
Stock Market Viewpoint

Reading the Tea Leaves...
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- A good day in the market...
- Another intraday look...
- Sold two....
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- Full steam ahead...
- Late night scan...
- We got our short squeeze...
- Did you have to say that??
- That should do it...
- They are trying to turn it...